Ken Goodman and his client Sophia on Apple Podcasts
Ken and an emetophobia client talk with Anna Christie
Ken and an emetophobia client talk with Anna Christie
Ken and a client appear on Living Life with Emetophobia
Ken is a guest on the Embracing Death podcast with Julia Sheehan. They discuss health anxiety and the fear of death. Listen to Ken Goodman on Embracing Death
Ken interviews Sally Winston, PsyD, and Martin Seif, PhD, about their book on moving past chronic indecisiveness, avoidance, and catastrophic thinking.
Ken interviews Sally Winston, PsyD, and Martin Seif, PhD, about their book on how to overcome compulsive checking and reassurance seeking
Ken interviews Sally Winston PsyD, and Martin Seif, PhD, about their book on how to overcome frightening, obsessive, and disturbing thoughts.
Ken and one of his former patients discuss how to overcome health anxiety with host Kimberly Quinlan.
Do you worry excessively? Does your mind race with “what if” thoughts? In this webinar, Ken Goodman explains why people worry, why it triggers physical symptoms of anxiety, and what people can do about it. He is joined by a former worrier who will share how she gained control of the incessant inner-chatter of her…
In this webinar, ADAA Board Member Ken Goodman, LCSW, and a former patient who suffered with Vehophobia talk about how to conquer this debilitating fear.
If you have a fear of vomiting, just reading the title of this article might make you a bit queasy. The mere mention of the V word, (not to mention the P word or B word) can send emetophobics into a state of anxiety. If you can relate, I encourage you to press on despite…